Canadian Pizza Magazine

the pizza dude: Computers vs. Pizza

By Roberto Vergalito   

Features Business and Operations POS

Computers vs. Pizza

For this issue of Canadian pizza magazine, we are
focusing on technology in the pizzeria. That’s great, I’m all for
technology, but it tends to get a little pricey.

For this issue of Canadian pizza magazine, we are focusing on technology in the pizzeria. That’s great, I’m all for technology, but it tends to get a little pricey.

Everybody who deals with computers is saying how much money it will generate or how much you can save, but as far as I can see, I haven’t seen or heard of a computer making a pizza. And, if it did, we would be out of a job. Computers are handy, but they are only useful for certain aspects of our business.

Let’s take the POS systems, for example. They’re great for controlling inventory and keeping theft under control, but how do you justify spending thousands of dollars on a system that does everything you do already?


Yes, it’s a lot less work for us, but it doesn’t have customer service abilities, nor will it keep your employees from stealing.
How about learning how to use the system and then teaching your employees? Is it easy to use, or do you end up spending far too much time trying to train people on the system?

Then there is the question of when you do spend these thousands of dollars on a system, how will it change your business? Will it be for the better, or the worst?  Are we throwing good money at bad money?

I suppose if you are a big chain, it is totally useful and has a cost savings.

What about the smaller independents? I’ve been doing almost everything manually, and I have everything under control … and I didn’t have to spend a lot of money. I have a computer and I’ve learned to manipulate it for my   particular needs.


Buying a POS system doesn’t necessarily mean your going to save money right away. Remember, a computer is only as good as the person using it. I believe in keeping up with the Jones’, but I also don’t believe it should cost me thousands of dollars to do so.

There are computer programs you can buy for a minimal price that will do everything from inventory to promotional marketing. I use them and they are great.

Learn to use these programs and you can say goodbye to pre-printed coupons and mailers, because you do it yourself. Develop a database of all your customers, make a coupon template and mail it out to your them.

If you want to get technical in your pizzeria, everything you look at to make your life a little easier tends to cost some good money. Some of it is worth it, but I believe it’s geared more towards the big chains. For example, if you have several stores and are going through a lot of dough, rolling it by hand is killer, but now you can get a machine that will roll the dough into balls for you.


There are some really good technological breakthroughs in this industry that I believe in. But, if you’re just a mom and pop pizza place, my advice to you is stick to the basics.

I’m The Pizza Dude!•

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