Canadian Pizza Magazine

Ont. off-sales of craft beer makes sense: Restaurants Canada

Colleen Cross   


April 8, 2015, Toronto – A Restaurants Canada proposal to the Ontario government would allow restaurants, bars and pubs to sell craft beer for home consumption, the association said in a news release.

The idea was a part of a proposal to government last spring and was subsequently sent to the Premier’s Advisory Panel on Government Assets and would enable craft and micro brewers to get their product to consumers in a timely manner while providing more choice and convenience, the association said.

“This is a natural evolution,” said James Rilett, Restaurants Canada’s vice-presidentt for Ontario. “Unlike grocery stores, restaurant staff are already trained to responsibly sell alcohol products. It only makes sense that they would be the first retail option to be considered.”
Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia currently have retail opportunities as part of their licensee regimes. This has given craft and micro brewers an alternative outlet for their products.
“Restaurants Canada Members are big fans of craft beer, and they provide a place for brewers to introduce new and limited run products,” Rilett. “Providing a retail outlet for the products is a natural step that has been successful in other provinces.”
Craft beer/ microbrews were the number 1 trend in the Restaurants Canada 2015 Chef Survey. Food items are increasingly being paired with craft beverages, which has helped to grow the trend.

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