Canadian Pizza Magazine

Free webinar on managing money for small businesses

By Canadian Pizza   

Features Business and Operations Finance canadian federation of independent business cfib money management

Why is it so hard to get paid as a small business owner? There are no magic solutions for reluctant payers, but the ways you accept payments can have a big influence on cash flow.

Cheques are still the number 1 payment method for businesses despite how slow they are to receive, the manual effort needed to process them, and the uncertainty around cheque clearing times. This causes financial strain for many businesses. How can you make more of your payments instant and get ahead of your finances? 

Interac is running a free webinar through the Canadian Federation of Independent Business to help small business owners. The webinar will cover:

  • The cost and business impact of processing cheques for small businesses
  • Tools and processes to consider to help with cash flow
  • Questions to consider to help optimize money management

There will be two sessions:
Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019 at 1 p.m. EST
Wednesday, Jan.30, 2019 @ 1 p.m. EST

For details, click here.

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