Canadian Pizza Magazine

CRFA launches start-up kit

By Canadian Pizza   


Aspiring restaurateurs have a new resource to improve
their chances of business success – a comprehensive Restaurant Start-Up
Kit launched by the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association

Aspiring restaurateurs have a new resource to improve their chances of business success – a comprehensive Restaurant Start-Up Kit launched by the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CRFA).

“While there’s no single recipe for success, solid research and planning are important first steps for anyone considering a new restaurant business,” said Jill Holroyd, CRFA’s vice-president of research and communications. “The Restaurant Start-Up Kit is a uniquely Canadian product, designed to meet the specific information needs of Canadian entrepreneurs.”

Opening a new restaurant involves more than planning the menu and selecting the décor – there are municipal building regulations, health and safety inspections, employee training programs, business plans, demographics research and marketing campaigns to consider. The Restaurant Start-Up Kit addresses these concerns and more, with user-friendly resource books and business forms on CD-ROM.

A $225.00 value, The Restaurant Start-Up Kit sells for just $99.95 plus GST, with free shipping and handling. It can be ordered on-line at, or by calling 1-800-387-5649, ext. 4215.

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