Canadian Pizza Magazine

Online-ordering platform allows restaurants to gather customer feedback

By Canadian Pizza   

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Paytronix Systems has add AI-driven guest intelligence to its Order & Delivery digital platform, helping restaurants provide online ordering, build their menus and gather instant feedback from customers at the time they place and receive their orders.

The Order Experience Builder changes how marketers design, build, and deploy online ordering, providing the tools to create powerful, interactive, and appealing online menus simply and easily. Using a simple drag-and-drop interface, marketers can now create compelling online menus that make everything look perfect, even as guests navigate the many options on a mobile phone screen.

FEEDback allows businesses to gather instant feedback from customers when they place and receive their order. Meanwhile, FEEDback facilitates instant responses from customers when they place and receive their order. This allows managers to respond to comments in real time, when the opportunity to gain their long-term loyalty is strongest. AI-driven sentiment analysis makes this feature even more powerful, as negative comments can be flagged for immediate response.

“A restaurant’s digital presence is now the primary way guests discover and interact with brands, so marketers need a cutting-edge platform that embraces this new reality,” said Paytronix CEO Andrew Robbins. “Offering a truly amazing guest experience isn’t just about a single transaction, but rather, it’s about developing relationships that extend over the long term and across all touchpoints.”


Marketers have traditionally had two paths for creating a digital front end. A templated design that is simple to deploy but is undifferentiated; or a custom-built site that has a distinctive look but comes at a considerable time and expense. Order Experience Builder bridges that gap, providing the flexibility of a customized deployment with the speed and efficiency of a templated site.

Paytronix said its intent is to tailor ordering to the specific brand and make the experience unique for each guest. Menu variant testing enables personalized menu versions to be displayed for guests based on preset brand parameters. A layer of artificial intelligence tracks conversion rate, average order size and other elements, and automatically serves up the most effective menu.

Restaurant chains and franchises can manage menus at every level, from nationally to regionally to locally. Items move up and down the hierarchy, and one that’s developed in an individual store can quickly be rolled out to other locations. Menu sharing lets other guests experience someone’s favorite items – even those that have been customized – helping bring a social element to the digital ordering environment.

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