Canadian Pizza Magazine

How to make your pizzeria stand out in a local web search

By Canadian Pizza   

Features Marketing Podcast canadian pizza podcast local search michelle brisebois podcast restaurant local search restaurant marking retail and restaurant marketing web search

Want to help pizza lovers find your business online? Today we talk about how to make your pizzeria stand out in local searches on the web.

We are joined by Michelle Brisebois, a marketing consultant specializing in e-commerce and digital content strategy and in-store activation. Topics include why it’s important for your business to rate high in a local web search, common mistakes and missed opportunities, and tips for ranking higher in a search. Listen in and learn!

Michelle Brisebois has extensive retail, restaurant marketing and operations experience and has worn many hats in the world of restaurants and marketing, including that of marketing consultant specializing in e-commerce and digital content strategy and retail/in-store activation, marketing professor with the Canadian Food and Wine Institute at Niagara College, and – as many listeners will know – writer for Canadian Pizza on such topics as developing your pizzeria’s brand, reaching customers online and motivating staff. Michelle’s latest venture is hosting a flash briefing podcast called Restaurant and Retail Marketing in which she tackles many important topics for restaurants, including Local Search!

If you want to continue this conversation, you can find Michelle on social media, email her at or subscribe to the Restaurant and Retail Marketing flash briefing through Amazon Echo devices. Click on this link to listen to past briefings.


Thanks for listening and please let us know what – and who you’d like to hear on the podcast!

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