Canadian Pizza Magazine

How are you being found?

Laura Aiken   

Features Business and Operations Marketing

Every time
you roll out a new marketing program, you look to see how well the investment
paid off for you.

you want to see new customers coming in the door or existing clientele ordering
more. One of the challenges in measuring your marketing is figuring out how the
customer found out about you in the first place. Once you have this data, it
becomes easier to focus your efforts.

A recent study put pizza as the number item
searched for by TeleNav GPS users in the U.S. Considering how much Canadians
like thier pizza, statistics are probably similiar here. This technology
nets drive-by traffic but likely only the ones that are closest to you in passing
by. There are mobile phone apps that perform the same functions. It all seems
to basically act as a fancy yellow pages system that gives context to the
individual’s location in relation to the desired location. Has any of this
technology increased the number of customers coming through your door? Consider
providing an incentive to have your staff remember to ask each new customer how
they found your pizza. As the number of ways to market grow, so does the
murkiness of where to put your marketing time and money. Find out more about how your
customers are finding you and you’ll be better on track when it comes to going
out and finding them.   

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