Canadian Pizza Magazine

from the editor’s desk: June 2005

Drew McCarthy   

Features Business and Operations Finance

In the Midst of Change...

In January of this year, the Globe and Mail ran a story on the Canadian pizza industry.

In the midst of change

In January of this year, the Globe and Mail ran a story on the Canadian pizza industry.

The message? Canada’s pizza industry is in the midst of unprecedented change. Now for those of us working in the industry, that’s not news, but the story did make me reflect on our role here at Canadian Pizza magazine. How are we helping our readers deal with this change?

Well for starters, we are the industry’s magazine. It’s a responsibility we take seriously.

We’re 100 per cent Canadian-owned and -operated and that’s important. Anyone familiar with Michael Adams’ book, Fire and Ice, knows about the growing divide between the way Canadians and Americans see the world. As Canadians, we need our own voice, uncluttered by facts, figures and lessons culled from American examples.

Our magazine reflects the Canadian experience. Our writers and columnists are true Canadian pizza industry experts and their work makes up more than 95 per cent of our magazine.

It’s important that we do our own research, talk to our own operators and develop our own strategies. There’s a tendency in some circles to talk about trends in the “North American pizza industry.” If you hear this kind of talk, proceed with caution. When our statistics get lumped in with the much larger American numbers, the results become meaningless for Canada.

Last year Canadian Pizza magazine celebrated its tenth anniversary. As we move forward into our second decade, we are committed to improving the ways in which the magazine serves you.

You may have noticed in March that the magazine was more colourful. That’s because we’re now printing full colour throughout. (Note that we spell colour with a “u”. How else would you spell it, right? Or should I say, “eh?”)

In our April/May issue we introduced a brand new look for Canadian Pizza magazine. We redesigned the whole thing to make it easier for you to read.

In May, we moved into our brand spanking new offices in Simcoe, Ont. (just down the road from Delhi).

Now there’s even more news: we’re expanding and improving our editorial department. Last month we appointed a new editor for the magazine. His name is Cam Wood. Cam is a dynamic writer, editor, long-time Annex employee and friend.

With Cam in charge, watch out. Things are going to get mighty interesting. Cam and publisher Diane Geerlinks have also decided to bring a new associate editor on board in time for the next issue.

As for me, well, I’m staying right here at Annex – couldn’t drag me away. I’ll still be part of Canadian Pizza magazine, but from now on you’ll see a whole lot less of me.

I’m thrilled to see Cam take on this new role. He’s going to do a great job.

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