Canadian Pizza Magazine

Remove tobacco smells

By Canadian Pizza   


Vamoose, which has been independently tested and
verified as the only commercially available odour eliminator with
long-term odour removal for cigarettes, pipes and cigars by organically
converting the sources of the odours, is now available in service kits
for commercial service companies.

Vamoose, which has been independently tested and verified as the only commercially available odour eliminator with long-term odour removal for cigarettes, pipes and cigars by organically converting the sources of the odours, is now available in service kits for commercial service companies.

Vamoose, when used properly, completely eliminates all second-hand tobacco odours with the patented Novexium technology, which molecularly combines with the tar and nicotine molecules deposited by smoking and converting them into inert matter thus neutralizing their ability to emit odours. During the conversion process a “fresh scent” masks the molecular conversion and indicates that the conversion process is active.

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