Canadian Pizza Magazine

The circular economy of a recyclable pizza box: PPEC

By Rachel Kagan, PPEC   

Features News Business and Operations In the Kitchen pizza box

In honour of National Pizza Day, the Paper and Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council reminds us that pizza boxes are recyclable in Canada.
Says Rachel Kagan of the PPEC, “Pizza boxes are typically made from corrugated board, and in Canada, corrugated board is made mostly from recycled content. So once that pizza is eaten and the box is empty and clean, pizza lovers can easily place it in their recycling bins. Once it is collected, it will be sent to a Material Recycling Facility (MRF) for processing, where it will get sorted, baled, and sold. And that recycled material will make its way back to our members’ paper packaging mills, where it will get remade into a new pizza box or another type of paper-based packaging.”

Read the full blog post.

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