Canadian Pizza Magazine

Canada’s new food guide downplays dairy

By Canadian Pizza   


Image: Government of Canada

Ottawa – After completing a 12-year study, the new Canada Food Guide focuses on more vegetables and less on meat and dairy.

According to the new guide, the standard of eight to 10 servings of fruit and vegetable still apply, however, a “lifestyle” component was added, which includes a reduction in carbohydrates such as grains, rice, pasta and bread.

“Dairy and alternatives” is no longer a separate category but is lumped in with foods containing protein.

The 2019 version culled various scientific reports and sought more multicultural input as well, seeking input from “academics, members of provincial and territorial governments, health professional regulatory bodies/organizations, health charities and National Indigenous Organizations.”


The new guide urges eaters to reduce if not completely avoid highly processed foods and to read labels to determine the sodium count. A new addition included suggestions to add mindfulness to eating, such as eating in the company of others. Prior versions of the food guide used calories as a measure of censure and included a food pyramid that had a high intake of meat-based protein.

Read more about Canada’s Food Guide.

Download the full dietary guidelines.

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